The lower coaming strips were installed tonight. Used every clamp I have. As I followed the manual pretty much word for word there isn't much else to say. My only addition was that I ran a fillet of thickened epoxy around the outside perimeter. This adds a small custom effect to your boat.
Tomorrow I will sand the outside of the lower coaming and the fillet, and then carefully paint on a coat of epoxy to fully fill the edge grain and to soften the sanded fillet.
Yes, I painted on epoxy on the edges the night before, but today I sanded the edges smoother and much of it came off. Should have sanded the edges first and then coated them. Stooopid! Oh well. It should look nice.
Next step is to fiberglass the upper coaming strips. Not sure when I can get to it.
Could have used several more of the metal screw-type C clamps. They apply much better pressure. You can screw them down tight enough to fully put the coaming down onto the hull, but you don't have to put so much that you starve the strip. Most of the spring clamps don't apply enough pressure and those that do apply too much!
This clamping job should be fine though!
Tomorrow I will sand the outside of the lower coaming and the fillet, and then carefully paint on a coat of epoxy to fully fill the edge grain and to soften the sanded fillet.
Yes, I painted on epoxy on the edges the night before, but today I sanded the edges smoother and much of it came off. Should have sanded the edges first and then coated them. Stooopid! Oh well. It should look nice.
Next step is to fiberglass the upper coaming strips. Not sure when I can get to it.
Could have used several more of the metal screw-type C clamps. They apply much better pressure. You can screw them down tight enough to fully put the coaming down onto the hull, but you don't have to put so much that you starve the strip. Most of the spring clamps don't apply enough pressure and those that do apply too much!
This clamping job should be fine though!
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