If you haven't yet, please read my previous post regarding amine blush and primers.
After thoroughly washing the hull with water, and then priming, I was now ready for top coating.
I used Interlux Toplac Plus in Matterhorn White. What a great paint! OMG... this stuff seems to have magical properties! I've never used a paint that does not sag or run, even on vertical hull sides.
Of course, you have to roll on a light coat with a foam roller, but even with a thin coat like that, most paints would still have runs. This one doesn't! And you don't need to tip it either! Just roll it on and walk away.
It gets better too... you don't have to sand after each coat! As long as you roll on a second coat after 16 hours but before 3 days, you don't have to sand. Nice!
I did three coats in three days with no sanding between coats. There's a slight bit of orange peel, but most of the surface issues are due to my poor surface prep instead of orange peel. To be honest, there's really almost no orange peel to speak of. What looks like orange peel in the pictures is freshly rolled on paint right after I finished. Several hours later, or certainly by the next day, that surface has tightened up considerably.
The bow looks ok. Of course, once you put on the glossy topcoat paint you can then see every single goof and error that you made on the hull. Overall it looks nice but I still see many goofs. Sigh...
The transom. I should have put more thought into the masking on the transom. Oh well...
More later once this cures and the boat is rolled over. Now to let it cure for a couple of days before rolling it upright and finishing the rails and inside of the hull.
Stay tuned!
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