Got the two #5 panels glued this morning. One side sat down perfectly, but the other side needed some persuasion. Notice just clamps on one side and a stack of bricks on the other.
You just have to do whatever you need to make sure the panels are flat to each other.
Tomorrow I hope to do at least two or three panels.
Instead of doing both sides at the same time, I'll just do one side for a few panels and then the next day use those panels as guides to make sure the corresponding panel is as close as possible. I probably should have been doing this all along, but my #6 panels lined up almost perfectly when I laid them on top of each other this morning. Fingers crossed that the two #5's will match up too.
You just have to do whatever you need to make sure the panels are flat to each other.
Tomorrow I hope to do at least two or three panels.
Instead of doing both sides at the same time, I'll just do one side for a few panels and then the next day use those panels as guides to make sure the corresponding panel is as close as possible. I probably should have been doing this all along, but my #6 panels lined up almost perfectly when I laid them on top of each other this morning. Fingers crossed that the two #5's will match up too.
So there are only two #5 panels? Mine just came tonight and the manual says there are three. I was slightly confused coming into the house.