Today I finished gluing all the Pinguino panels.
I decided to use the first four hull panels that I glued yesterday as guides for the corresponding panels today.
First I sanded both sides of the epoxy on the panels I glued yesterday, and then flipped them so that the sticker side was facing down.
Then the corresponding panels were laid on top with the stickers facing up. I put plastic between the panels so they wouldn't stick.
Epoxy was added to the edges of the butt joints and then I carefully aligned and clamped down all the panels so that they perfectly lined up on top of the previous ones. I then finished the epoxy and taping job as normal and now the panels are curing.
In the picture below, it looks like only individual panels, but if you click the image and zoom in you should be able to see the corresponding panels underneath.
My thought is that if I have accidentally introduced any sort of error into the first panel, that that error will also be in the corresponding panel and will help to make the boat straight without any twist or bend that can potentially get if one panel is very different than the other.
They should all turn out well... fingers crossed!
I decided to use the first four hull panels that I glued yesterday as guides for the corresponding panels today.
First I sanded both sides of the epoxy on the panels I glued yesterday, and then flipped them so that the sticker side was facing down.
Then the corresponding panels were laid on top with the stickers facing up. I put plastic between the panels so they wouldn't stick.
Epoxy was added to the edges of the butt joints and then I carefully aligned and clamped down all the panels so that they perfectly lined up on top of the previous ones. I then finished the epoxy and taping job as normal and now the panels are curing.
In the picture below, it looks like only individual panels, but if you click the image and zoom in you should be able to see the corresponding panels underneath.
My thought is that if I have accidentally introduced any sort of error into the first panel, that that error will also be in the corresponding panel and will help to make the boat straight without any twist or bend that can potentially get if one panel is very different than the other.
They should all turn out well... fingers crossed!
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