Yesterday I drilled all my holes for the soft padeyes and then coated the holes with epoxy.
I also cut, sanded and installed the hatch dowels. One trick is to sand a notch into the bottom edge of the dowel so that it acts as a grip to hold onto if the hatches get sucked down. To make the notch I used the round end of my stationary sander.
I then epoxied them onto the hatches.
Finally I made the decision to NOT paint my coaming as I had planned. Instead I will simply varnish it. So I added a final coat of epoxy on the coaming and will sand it flush in a few days once it's really cured.
So... that's about it for the actual building of the Pygmy Borealis XL kayak!!
My next steps are varnishing and installing the deck hardware. Then, gulp, I get to take it out and go paddling!
I also cut, sanded and installed the hatch dowels. One trick is to sand a notch into the bottom edge of the dowel so that it acts as a grip to hold onto if the hatches get sucked down. To make the notch I used the round end of my stationary sander.
I then epoxied them onto the hatches.
Finally I made the decision to NOT paint my coaming as I had planned. Instead I will simply varnish it. So I added a final coat of epoxy on the coaming and will sand it flush in a few days once it's really cured.
So... that's about it for the actual building of the Pygmy Borealis XL kayak!!
My next steps are varnishing and installing the deck hardware. Then, gulp, I get to take it out and go paddling!
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