It's been a couple weeks since my last post. Haven't had too much time to work on the Pinguino. But this weekend I made up some ground. So far I've added a third coat of epoxy to the entire outside of the boat, and have sanded parts of the deck where the hatches and cockpit cowling will go. The hull I will let cure until the boat is done and I'm about to varnish. Yesterday I cut the hatches. Today I installed the spacer pieces for the hatches and the lower spacer pieces for the cowling. I then ran a bead of thickened epoxy around the outside of the cowling. It adds a nice touch and feels good on your fingers when you attach your spray skirt. Here's how it looks now... Yes, I have a lot of clamps. No, you can never have enough. :-P Over the years of making RC sailboats and other hobbies, I've amassed several boxes of clamps. Most are spring loaded which I prefer to screw-down C-clamps. I use C-clamps when I really need to get some pressure down, ...
On making CLC boats, Pygmy kayaks, and other small craft using crackpot ideas that deviate from the official manuals, written by a crank with nothing better to do than bleat on about ways to ruin his boats. Read this blog at your own peril. In fact, just go away and read the official manuals instead. Really. Good luck with your boat build!