Epoxying the inside of the CLC Expedition Wherry will take a much longer time than the outside did. The inside is done in sections instead of the entire hull at one go. It's easier to do it in smaller sections like that, but is more tedious and time consuming. CLC also wants you to run beads of thickened epoxy along all the hull seams and bulkhead seams. I am not sure why they want you to run seams along the hull panels, especially in the middle of the boat where the panels and much closer to flat to each other. That type of seam will have virtually no appreciable strength. I'm only running beads along both sides of the bulkheads, and along the panels at the bow and stern but only along the keel. Otherwise I'll leave it to the very strong holding power of the fiberglass cloth on both the inside and outside. For fiberglassing the inside, CLC suggests that you cut a specific sized rectangle for each of the inside bays. There are different measurements...
On making CLC boats, Pygmy kayaks, and other small craft using crackpot ideas that deviate from the official manuals, written by a crank with nothing better to do than bleat on about ways to ruin his boats. Read this blog at your own peril. In fact, just go away and read the official manuals instead. Really. Good luck with your boat build!