The bulkheads are often one of the more challenging bits to install on your Pygmy. You install them after the deck is epoxied on and the hatches are cut. It's a pain to get them in there and fit them. First, you have to figure out where to put the forward bulkhead. You need to give at least an inch or more in front of the foot peg sliders. The aft bulkhead fits in just an inch or two behind the furthest aft part of the cockpit opening. Pygmy generally gives you a slightly oversized bulkhead, but I noticed on this latest Pinguino that the bulkheads fit better right out of the box than any other bulkheads. Nice! However, I still needed to trim the bulkheads a bit with my rasp and stationary sander. I apologize for not having any images of the trimming and fitting process. Ooops. Then you must remove the bulkheads and fiberglass them. Epoxy some cloth on both sides of each bulkhead. The focus of this post though is aligning the bulkheads so that they are as straight as pos...
On making CLC boats, Pygmy kayaks, and other small craft using crackpot ideas that deviate from the official manuals, written by a crank with nothing better to do than bleat on about ways to ruin his boats. Read this blog at your own peril. In fact, just go away and read the official manuals instead. Really. Good luck with your boat build!